Mr Kotter

Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps, cross-eyed mosquitoes and bow-legged ants…….welcome back. Its high time I woke from my deep summer slumber, though it is still freakin hot outside. I hate it. BUT…it could be worse.

I have decided to go with a more trimmed down blog for a while until I get me sea legs back. My posts will be rather short, entertaining, and, well, probably a little obnoxious. But that’s what seems to keep you scallywags coming back for more, isn’t it?

So, what is going to be our topic for today? Well, my sister-in-law, OG, runs a nifty little blog of her own (Check it out here if you want. Heck, join the club and start posting. It is kind of fun.), and for this week she has been having a contest to see who can name songs with each day of the week in the title or lyrics. You can’t post the song until each day of the week has arrived….a clever way of keeping people coming back for more.

Well, I am a Wikipedia junkie. You may frown upon me for this practice and I would be no better off than a one-legged man in a “butt-kickin” contest, but I love it. Everyday of this week, I have looked up the day of the week on Wikipedia (No worries OG, this does NOT help me with the contest. I go look post….posting? I’m not cheating.). Kind of interesting what I found. Here are the images they posted for each of the days:

The caption on this picture reads:

This postcard, sent in 1907 and captioned “Monday Morning in N. Y. City”, reflects the tradition of Monday as a day for washing clothes.

Mega-Babe, you might want to take notes.

Just kidding, please don’t hit me……

The god Týr  or Tiw, identified with Mars, after whom Tuesday is named.

Kind of a goofy, wieney looking fellow, don’t you think? I mean, look at him! He has bofus eyes. You can’t tell if he is looking at me, you, or bofus. And who parts their beard like that? Someone looking for a whoopin, that’s who.

This is Odin after the scandinavian viking god “Odin, the Wanderer” 1886.

Umm….I would automatically disqualify anyone from being a god of mine if they only had one eye. If he was a god, he wouldn’t have let ANYONE poke out his eye. Loser. And “Wanderer” is just code for “Lost”. Again, loser (A little play on words there. I’m so clever!

Unless you have had your head in the sand for the last thousand years or so, that is Thor, and it is against my religion to bad mouth Thor. He will take you behind the woodshed and you ain’t EVER coming back. Look at all those people cowering in fear of Thor’s awesomeness, and all Thor is doing is laying a smack down on a goat (At least I think that’s what he is doing. After closer examination, the goats may be pulling Thor’s awesome Cart of Death! I would normally say, “Really, goats???” but this is Thor so it is automatically awesome!!!!)

Imagine if that were Odin or Tyr (stupid name) that he were laying the smack down to!

Just take it from me, you DO NOT mess with Thor….Hail Thor!

And finally, Friday: (yep, I’m not doing Saturday or Sunday. Weekends are holy….just like Thor)

Frigg spinning the clouds

OK, now let me say that I do not have ANY problem whatsoever with having a woman as a god (I think that’s a woman…..looks more manly than Tyr), but one who spins??? CLOUDS????? All I can conclude from this is that whoever it was thinking up gods back in the day must have had a GREAT drug source.  Probably the same guy who was supplying dope to this guy:

This post ended up not being shorter at all. That actually kind of makes me mad. I will be more brief next time for sure.

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