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The Silence is Deafening

The blog has been nagging at me lately. I can hear it calling my name every single day saying, “Don’t forget about me, Lil Buddy!” The past few weeks have been close to hell, but I won’t bore you with all that. But I think I can start posting again. Probably not every day, but I don’t think a couple of times a week is too much to ask. I recently got a laptop from work which should make blogging a little easier since I won’t have to sit at a desk to do it. I can plop down on the couch and pound something out, however ridiculous and boring it may be.

This last weekend, Mega-Babe and I got a rare night out alone without any of the kids. Mega-Babe surprised me with tickets to go see my favorite comic, Brian Regan. Isn’t she great??? I had been very sick last week, and Mega-Babe was wondering if she should list the tickets online to sell, but I wasn’t missing the chance to see Regan live no matter how sick I was.

We started off the night going out to eat. We had a gift certificate to a place called Rib City, but we got there and the wait to get a table was asinine. So we decided to go ahead and drive up to where the show was being held and find a place to eat there. After driving around for a while, we ended up eating at Subway. Not the most romantic dinner in the world, but I love their chicken marinara melt so it worked out.

As a little background to this story, as I have mentioned in the past, I go to the LDS church. I’m a Mormon. I sometimes forget the mystery and intrigue this can stir up in people when they find out about my religious affiliation. I have gotten many questions, some good, some ludicrous, over the years about the church and what we can and can’t do.

“So, you guys don’t drink any coffee or tea???”


“Do you really pay 10% of your income in tithing?”


“So, do you have to have approval from your bishop to go to the temple?”


“How many wives do you have?”

Only one and it is going to stay that way. The practice of polygamy will actually get you excommunicated from the church and probably arrested…. at least in some states. Besides, I can barely manage having one family. To have 6 or 7, I think I would throw myself off a cliff. Not that I don’t love my family dearly, but seriously??? More than one wife…..whew, makes me nauseous to think about.

Anyway, while we were sitting in Subway, two of the people who worked there were talking about the church. One of them, the guy, was a member of the church, and the girl was not. No joking this is what the girl asked the guy:

“Will they ban you from the church for swearing??”

Geez Louise I hope not. I would have gotten banned a LONG time ago. I swear more than any Mormon that I know. Not that it is something to be proud of. I have just been doing it for so long that it is infused into my brain. Even when I am censoring myself because of the company I might be in, it doesn’t mean I am not swearing in my thoughts.

I was baptized into the church when I was 8 years old, and I am quite positive that I knew several swear words even way back then. So my life as a Mormon would have been over before it even started if they banned people for swearing.

Granted, this girl who asked the question was probably only 16-17 years old and dumber than two boxes of rocks, but that was a dumb question. They say there are no dumb questions, but I would have to disagree with that tidbit of wisdom. There are stupid questions, so do a little thinking before you speak.

Like I am one to talk. I am the king of putting my foot in my mouth and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I can still make fun of the stupidity of others. It is what gets me through my day.

Mega-Babe and I just sat there eavesdropping and trying not to just laugh right out loud.

There will be more to come about this little night out on the town. I got a good bit of blog material on this night.

Categories: Silliness
  1. halo
    March 17, 2010 at 11:14 am

    Welcome back!! Missed ya!

    • March 17, 2010 at 11:51 am

      Good to be back. Just call me Mr Kotter

  2. MOM
    March 17, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    I am so glad to know you are feeling enough better to see the humor in the world again–and to share you sense of humor–whichi love.

  3. MOM
    March 17, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    Wow I will never get good at typing on these tiny keys on my phone. That last line should have read “your sense of humor–which I love.”I

  4. Auntie P
    March 18, 2010 at 8:14 am

    What a nice surprise yesterday to see a new entry. I guess St. Patrick’s Day was our lucky day.

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