Home > Little Woo > Gotta Love the Woo

Gotta Love the Woo

Its time for a some blog love for my Little Woo. I know as a parent you shouldn’t have favorites, but if we are going strictly off the ease of raising each of our 3 boys, Little Woo wins the prize, hands down. Its really not even close. If he had been as difficult as Bug, Mega-Babe would probably not be pregnant right now. Who cares if I never have a girl? Raising another Bug would have been brutal. Don’t get me wrong, we LOVE The Bug, but….well, he was difficult as a baby, and has grown up to be a little mini-me. Payback for the kind of kid I was to my mom and dad.

But Woo has been a cake walk for the most part. Granted, he is not the best sleeper in the world, but, well, I will just say that is not MY fault (Love you, Babe). But other than, he has been fantastic.

Maybe I am speaking too soon though.  He is growing into a little boy as of late and is becoming VERY bossy. If Donut and Bug have a toy he wants, he will throw a fit until he gets it. We are not very good at telling him no. I mean, how do I reason with a 2 year old. He understands a lot, but he doesn’t seem to get that he can’t have whatever he wants. For the sake of everyone’s sanity though, most of the time the boys just give in.

He better enjoy this while it lasts. He won’t be the King once Egg is born in about a month.

He is whining a lot more lately too. A LOT more. He never has been much of a whiner. In the past, if he whined, it meant something was genuinely wrong. Not anymore. It is constant, and if he wants something, he will keep saying the name of what he wants over and over and over and over and over and over until we understand what he is saying and give it to him. He will not be deterred. If you try to put his attention on something else, he will not bite. He just keeps fixated on what it is that he wants at the costly expense of our sanity. I don’t know, maybe Mega-Babe likes it when he does that, but I somehow doubt it. I just know it drives me looney.

But our Little Woo still shows through and we get glimpses of our sweet little boy. He is big on saying “Sorry.” It is the cutest thing. Even if it is not his fault, if someone gets hurt, he lets out a flood of “Sorry’s” until he is sure you are going to be ok.

Or if I start to wrestle around with and tickling him. He has the best laugh in the world and he LOVES to play. I just love it. Even the worst of days can’t keep me from smiling when I hear that laugh.

I know, I know. This is all a little mushy/touchy feely for me, but I do have a VERY soft side behind all this surliness. And my boys and Mega-Babe are almost always able to bring it out.

Categories: Little Woo
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